Using HighCharts in Asp.net web forms

f4b6dca0e2911082f0eb6e1df1a0e11d_LThese days I’m working on a simple asp.net project for a informative dashboard with charts and filter capability.

So my choise was the HighCharts interactive charts for my web project.

Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.

Give a look at the site in order to discover the hundred of possibilities with this component.

In order to use this javascript component in a Visual Studio 2012 project I need to download the DotNet.Highcharts dll from the site.

Why DotNet Highcharts:

  • Easy integration with ASP.NET applications.
  • The output code is pure JavaScript but you need only to write in C#.
  • Its uses enums and standard classes like Color and DataTime which are converted to JavaScript.
  • The library is based on classes therefore it’s easy for you to write and format the code.

So, let try to use the HighCharts in a simple project.

First of all we need to download:

For a very minimal usage we can follow this tutorial: http://dotnethighcharts.codeplex.com/

In the next article I’ll show how to put a simple chart in a webpage populating it with dynamic data from a sql server database table.

Reference: Using HighCharts in Asp.net web forms from our NCG partner Francesco Balsamo at the balsamino.com blog.

Francesco Balsamo

Francesco is a senior electronic engineer working in Telecom domain. He has a wide experience as software and applications development as well as business analysis. Founder of the balsamino.com blog as a way to share knowledge.

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