The Power of Open Source… Microsoft .NET and OpenShift: .Net on Linux

Really exiting times ahead: Microsoft .Net on Linux.

It’s not fully ready yet, but to get an idea to learn more about running OpenShift Enterprise 3 and a .NET application based on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux container, here are a few links to get started:

I wish that the demo repository at https://github.com/munchee13/snoopalicious.git and the rhosepaas.com domain were accessible

There are other alternatives too, but OpenShift (RedHat) and Microsoft working together is really exiting news to me.

If you’re on other distros, here are some more links:

And of course there has been Mono for a while, which is a different implementation of .NET:

Hopefully this will have search results soon: dnvm opensuse tumbleweed.

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