Articles on TrackJS, Microservices, PowerShell, .NET CLI

In the last edition for 2015, there are 11 articles on technology, news, open source, community on the fantastic and ever evolving technology world.

Happy holidays!

  • Exploring the new .NET (Scott Hanselman)
    I’ve never much like the whole “dnvm” and “dnu” and “dnx” command line stuff in the new ASP.NET 5 beta bits. There’s reasons for each to exist and they were and they have been important steps, both organizationally and as aids to the learning process.
  • PowerShell Classes for Developers
    Classes in PowerShell have been a feature since long and creating objects of these classes isn’t new. From the classic way of creating objects of .NET classes (like the MailMessage in Example 1 below) or to defining a custom .NET class (in the Example 2 below), we have seen PowerShell extend .
  • Azure WebJobs are awesome and you should start using them right now!
    These real world experiences with Azure are now available in the Pluralsight course “Modernizing Your Websites with Azure Platform as a Service” No really, they’re totally awesome! I used Azure WebJobs in the very early days and whilst they served a purpose, I wasn’t blown away with them at the
  • Create a database, as easily as a spreadsheet
    A query UI anyone can use Filter, sort, group and report with ease. Even non-technical teammates can use our query UI. Save any query as a view to get back to anytime or to share with the team. A query UI anyone can use Filter, sort, group and report with ease.
  • What you need to know about Bootstrap 4 (Ezequiel Bruni)
    Bootstrap is beloved by many. Well, if not “beloved”, then it is at least appreciated for what it is: a giant framework with almost everything you could need for building a site or web app interface. Bootstrap is changing, though. That’s right, version four is in alpha release.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning Essentials
    Learn key concepts of data science and machine learning with examples on how to build a cloud data science solution with R, Python and Azure Machine Learning from the Cortana Analytics Suite.
  • A Review of JavaScript Error Monitoring Services (Raymond Camden)
    If you’re like me, then you’ve been diligent about writing the best JavaScript code you can. You lint. You write tests (both for the code and the UI). You check out your site in multiple different browsers, locales, time zones, and dimensions. You do a good job. Rock on, you.
  • Data Sketches – Yahoo! (YAHOO)
    In the analysis of big data there are often problem queries that don’t scale because they require huge compute resources to generate exact results, or don’t parallelize well. Examples include count distinct, quantiles, most frequent items, joins, matrix computations, and graph analysis.
  • TrackJS
    Minified JavaScript code is hard to debug. With Trackjs, simply drag-and-drop your sourcemap on to a stacktrace and we’ll automatically un-minify source code.

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