dotnet HighCharts SpiderWeb

Today I would like to show how to obtain a spiderweb (or spidergraph) chart with the dotnet.Highcharts libraries.

First of all let’s create the webform container as usual.

Here it is important to import the highcharts-all.js library (an not the highcharts.js).

Alternatively we can import the highcharts.js and the highcharts-more.js libraries.


<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="FeaturedContent" runat="server">
    <script src="/../Scripts/metro-ui/metro.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/../Scripts/jquery-2.0.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        The javascript to import is the highcharts-all.js 
    <script src="/../Scripts/Highcharts-4.0.1/js/highcharts-all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/../Scripts/js/exporting.src.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/../Scripts/js/export-csv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <h2 class="title-area-title fg-blue">Pizza SpiderWeb Chart</h2>
    <asp:Literal ID="chrtMyChart" runat="server"></asp:Literal>


In order to get a Polar chart we need to act in two specific points:

  • – InitChart
  • – SetYAxis

Referring to my other posts about the HighCharts databinding in C#, let’s init the chart.

Inside the .InitChart method let’s declare the chart as Polar setting the relate flag to true:

// Note the Polar flag
.InitChart(new Chart 
	Polar = true, 
	Type = ChartTypes.Line 

Inside the SetYAxis we need to specify that the line interpolation is “polygon”.

.SetYAxis(new YAxis
	// Note the "poligon" interpolation for the grid
	GridLineInterpolation = "polygon",
	LineWidth = 0,
	Min = 0,

Compacting the code:

protected void renderChart(List<List<Object>> values, string title, string subtitle, string chartId, Literal ltrRendering)
	List<Object> serie1 = new List<Object>();
	List<string> yAxis = new List<string>();
	foreach (object s in values[0].ToList())
	DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts chart = new DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts(chartId)
		// Note the Polar flag
		.InitChart(new Chart 
			Polar = true, 
			Type = ChartTypes.Line 
		.SetTitle(new Title { Text = title })
		.SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = subtitle })
		.SetPane(new Pane { Size = new PercentageOrPixel(80, true) })
		.SetXAxis(new XAxis
			Categories = yAxis.ToArray(),
			TickmarkPlacement = Placement.On,
			LineWidth = 0,
			Min = 0,
		.SetYAxis(new YAxis
			// Note the "poligon" interpolation for the grid
			GridLineInterpolation = "polygon",
			LineWidth = 0,
			Min = 0,
		.SetTooltip(new Tooltip
			Shared = true,
		.SetLegend(new Legend
			Align = HorizontalAligns.Right,
			VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top,
			Y = 100,
			Layout = Layouts.Vertical
			new Series
				Name = title,
				Data = new Data(serie1.ToArray()),
				PlotOptionsLine = new PlotOptionsLine
					PointPlacement = new PointPlacement(Placement.On)
		.SetCredits(new Credits
			Enabled = false
	chart.SetLabels(new Labels { });
	chart.SetLegend(new Legend { Enabled = false });
	ltrRendering.Text = chart.ToHtmlString();

And this is the final result.

You can find the complete example in my bitbucket repository (click on the image)


I hope you can find useful this article.

Feel free to post comments or to ask me for additional info.

Reference: dotnet HighCharts SpiderWeb from our NCG partner Francesco Balsamo at the balsamino.com blog.

Francesco Balsamo

Francesco is a senior electronic engineer working in Telecom domain. He has a wide experience as software and applications development as well as business analysis. Founder of the balsamino.com blog as a way to share knowledge.

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